Walter Mischel(1930-2018)
“Offer a marshmallow to a small child along with the choice of having it immediately or waiting for some time to have two of them.”
1.    I have never liked self-control in fact if I like something be it anything to eat, drink or have my favourite cigarette, I do it right away. I am sure we all have had moments when that chocolate cake or glasses of cold beer have proved irresistible. How many times in our lives we have made choices in our life on an impulse only to regret when sanity returned to our senses. These questions have plagued my mind for some time. The temptation of immediate self-gratification is something most of us have faced one time or the other. Is there something we can do about it? How important is this for our children to learn to have a system that delays this gratification. Questions like these made me dive into the book called "The Marshmallow Test" by Walter Mischel, who has over 50 years carried numerous experiments on psychological  research where the ability to delay gratification in young children have been linked to them doing well in later years of their lives across all aspects. The complex subject is made very simple and language is easy to grasp.

2.    The first part deals with enabling self-control where the readers are introduced to the concept of Hot brain and the Cool brain. The former is the limbic system located in the top cortex of the brain stem developed early in our evolution. This ancient brain is responsible for basic urges and desires like fear, hunger, emotion and sex.  The urge to satisfy a need is more important for this brain, the hot brain does not pause or reflect or worry about long term consequences of its action.

3.    The other brain is the cool brain which is cognitive, complex, and reflective. Located in the prefrontal cortex this is the part where that comes to play when we are making calculated decisions particularly related to self-control. Here the author makes a very important point that is reiterated through the book which is the effect of stress. How stress attenuates one and accentuates the other brain. In other words, if our brain was a car the hot brain would be the engine and the cool brain the brakes. All our life the dynamic dance of these two brains decides our choices and actions, and to a great extent the quality of our life.

4.    Various techniques and strategies are explained in the second part that will help us in achieving delayed gratification. The foremost being the If-Then technique where our minds are already ready for the temptations that we may come across and by practising we are activating the hot brain to take action and resist. Having a growth mindset and a positive self-image is most helpful and is discussed in great detail by the author.

5.    The executive function of the cool part of the brain that is set of cognitive skills that help us control our impulses, action and emotion is elaborated in great detail. Here the importance of having an optimistic outlook along with a healthy belief system is given paramount importance. High self-worth, high expectations and constructive use of failure can help us achieving delayed gratification.

6.    Furthermore, the author goes on to explain the value to thinking rationally across a wide variety of fields from finance to personal health and also relationships. Painful emotions are dealt with in a separate chapter where it is advised to have a distanced perspective when dealing with rejection or loss. This is more so important when we are in a situation of conflict and we do not want the hostility to spiral out of control. The people with low self distance behaved adaptively to conflicts which often escalated especially if the other person is hostile. The author calls it to fly in the wall approach of looking at any situation.  

7.    Some of the most impressive findings of the The marshmallow test is the protection of oneself from own personal vulnerabilities, this is more applicable to people having High rejection sensitivity.  Empirical studies have ascertained the fact that people with effective delay mechanisms were protected against the negative effects of chronic anxiety and rejection for them did not become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Similar findings have been put across in dealing with criticism, in fact being sensitive to criticism along with the use of one's cognitive faculties in many cases been found to be extremely helpful.

8.    The author talks about in psychological immune system that each and everyone has where we having an inflated image about self fortifies us against chronic stress and terrible news., preserving our sense of being good, smart and worthy. Seeing us in a positive light helps us having a high degree of self-esteem and living happier lives. We are also cautioned against the excess tilt of the above as this may at times result in being having too much confidence in our abilities at times make us make rash decisions. There are numerous examples of this in business, finance sports to name a few.

9.    The role of motivation is revealed to the reader when it is shown that persons of high grit and dedication in one field are found often acting with utmost foolishness in other disciplines. Will paralysis and will fatigue too is discussed with various mental models suggested to deal with the same. Here again how we feel about ourselves and our belief system about our ability play an important role in determining what when will we give in or give up. The importance of having goals, effort and grit, our social environment and the models that we follow has a direct bearing on our willpower, this is brought about by various examples.

10. The conclusion is the summary of the book along with various changes and initiatives in the education system that have been studied and undertaken by the author. The plasticity of the human mind is dwelt briefly along with the latest ongoing studies in this subject. The continuous evolution of our brain in our life is explained in great detail. The most pertinent question that the author asked is “Who we are and what we want to be?”

11. For someone who has been quick to give in most of the time and is hardly a beacon of self-control, this book is a fresh perspective on the workings of the human mind. Valuable inputs regarding keeping young children away from stress have been an important take away as a parent. The knowledge of the hot and cool systems that are working at times can explain a lot of choices that we make in our lives and the strategies and mental models that have been explained deserve to be tried out in personal life. That said we must become the best version of ourselves and I believe that whatever the stage of life we are in it's our job to always try to be better than we were earlier .hopefully this book will help us achieve a few steps in becoming a better and more successful human being.

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