Mental weightlifting- DEEP WORK
1. How often have we found ourselves to be extremely busy without getting anything substantial done? With so many tasks that need our attention, we often try to resort to multitasking without getting any results. How many times we have been tempted to check on our phone for latest notifications, messages on social media feed only to realise that we may have spent much more time than we ought to have spent. 2. Everywhere we look we find distractions, that compete for our attention and focus and the result is that we are not able to fully use our cognitive skills to produce good quality of work. Cal Newport who is an associate professor of computer scien ce at Georgetown University has brought out these very problems that plague us in an age of information overload, in his book “DEEP WORK”. He introduces us to the idea of deep wor k, which is: “ Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive...